No strings attached
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منابع مشابه
The Dynamics of Knotted Strings Attached to D-Branes
We extend the general solution to the Cauchy problem for the relativistic closed string (Phys. Lett. B404 (1997) 57-65) to the case of open strings attached to Dp-branes, including the cases where the initial data has a knotlike topology. We use this extended solution to derive intrinsic dynamical properties of open and closed relativistic strings attached to Dp-branes. We also study the singul...
متن کاملStrings in a B - field Background as Electric Dipoles
Studying dynamics of open strings attached to a D2-brane in a NS two form field background, we find that these open strings act as dipoles of U (1) gauge field of the
متن کاملMining Energy from a Black Hole by Strings
We discuss how cosmic strings can be used to mine energy from black holes. A string attached to the black hole gives rise to an additional channel for the energy release. It is demonstrated that when a string crosses the event horizon, its transverse degrees of freedom are thermally excited and thermal string perturbations propagate along the string to infinity. The internal metric induced on t...
متن کاملThe Zamolodchikov-Faddeev algebra for open strings attached to giant gravitons
We extend the Zamolodchikov-Faddeev algebra for the superstring sigma model on AdS5 × S5, which was formulated by Arutyunov, Frolov and Zamaklar, to the case of open strings attached to maximal giant gravitons, which was recently considered by Hofman and Maldacena. We obtain boundary S-matrices which satisfy the standard boundary Yang-Baxter equation. 1 Department of Physics, Ewha Womans Univer...
متن کاملA Note on the Generative Power of Some Simple Variants of Context-Free Grammars Regulated by Context Conditions
This paper answers three open questions concerning the generative power of some simple variants of context-free grammars regulated by context conditions. Specifically, it discusses the generative power of so-called contextfree semi-conditional grammars (which are random context grammars where permitting and forbidding sets are replaced with permitting and forbidding strings) where permitting an...
متن کاملDirac Quantization of Open Strings and Noncommutativity in Branes
We apply the Dirac bracket quantization to open strings attached to branes in the presence of background antisymmetric field and recover an inherent noncommutativity in the internal coordinates of the brane. 1 E-mail: ardalan, arfaei, [email protected]
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